get to know the Swede
Here we have compiled some short films to give you an idea of the Swedish way of life - sharing some do's & dont's and showing you parts of the beauty of Sweden
How does an ex-pat experience Sweden for the first time? Here you can hear British author, Alison Allfrey, sharing her reflections on moving to Sweden with her family in 2012, getting to grips with an entirely new country with its own pulse and then making the very most of their three year posting.
She has written about their adventures in her book "SO SWEDEN, Living Differently". It is available on amazon.co.uk and at The English Bookshop on Södermannag 22, in Stockholm.
Stockholm is not a coincidence!
Charlie Caper's magic take on Stockholm from 2014!
Enjoy this hilarious video from 2013 produced by FLX Felix Herngren and Fredrik Falck.
Visit Sweden's "Close to Nature"
Swedes love their outdoor life and spend as much time as possible in nature.
Visit Sweden's "Evening Swim"
There is nothing better than a swim during those long light warm evening summer nights!
Visit Sweden's "Meet the King" VR film
The King of the forest - such a beauty!
The Swedish National Anthem performed at the Swedish Royal Wedding between
Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel
19th of June 2010
How to survive a Swedish dinner party - be on time!
Shoes on or off?
When to start drinking and the tradition of "Skål"!
By Sweden.se