In Sweden we have a saying:
"Kärt barn har många namn"
A beloved child has many names - in other words, something that is very popular goes by many names.
Here are a few of these names for our delicious buns that we eat in February. You will most probably already find them on the shelves straight after Christmas!
FASTLAGSBULLE (plural Fastlagsbullar)
FETTISDAGSBULLE (plural Fettisdagsbullar - fat Tuesday buns)
SEMLA (Semlor)
The first day to eat the Semla falls on the Tuesday between Shrove Monday and Ash Wednesday.
CARDAMOM (green Cardamom)
Carda,p, is used a lot in Swedish baking. I buy Cardamom seeds and then grind them in a mixer, they can also be crushed in a mortar (this requires a strong hand) - just the smell of this is delicious. It is the world's third most expensive spice by weight after saffron and vanilla.
Why not try a sprinkling of Cardamom in your coffee?